
G&V Robert delivers freight to areas between Broome and Darwin. Here is a list of the main destinations we deliver to with estimated travel time. For other destinations in this area please contact us for travel time.

Destination Distance from Perth Travel time
Broome 2,230km 2 days
Derby 2,385km 2 – 3 days
Fitzroy Crossing 2,560km 2 – 3 days
Halls Creek 2,845km 2 – 3 days
Kununurra 3,200km 3 – 4 days
Darwin 4,030km 3 – 4 days
Cattle Stations Various 2 – 4 days


Road Closures

Please note during the wet season, December to March with January and February being the wettest months, there can be heavy rainfall which floods the area including the roads.  This can cause delays and interruptions to our services as the roads can be closed for several days until the flooding clears.  It is best to allow extra time if organising freight in January and February.


Distances between Kimberley Towns:

Broome Derby Fitzroy Crossing Halls Creek Kununurra Wyndham
Broome  – 220 396 686 1044 1055
Derby 220  – 258 548 906 909
Fitzroy Crossing 396 258  – 290 648 659
Halls Creek 686 548 290  – 358 369
Kununurra 1044 906 648 358  – 101
Wyndham 1055 909 659 369 101  –